You have paternity testing choices:
For testing the alleged father and 1 child (and Mother if included)
- Easy Test – 99.9% accuracy (with or without Mother’s DNA)
We are also able test discrete samples.
Understandably you may wish to test discreetly without unnecessarily upsetting a child with regards to the issues of paternity, not until perhaps after test results are known.
We can test a toothbrush a snotty tissue, a cotton bud (used to clean the ear) or a used Band-Aid. We obtain DNA from the toothbrush in around 90 % of cases, and from ear-cotton buds in 99% of cases.
All client information and DNA test results are strictly confidential. Results will only be issued to person’s who sign the sample submission form. A password chosen by you ensures further protection against unauthorized parties accessing results.
If you want to test other relations for example, 2 men to see if they are brothers, or if you wish to test a grandparent and a grand child to see if they are related, please contact our offices to discuss the test you require, procedures and costs.